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Κεντρική σελίδα

MSc Leadership: Ethics and Politics


Introducing the esteemed Board of our MSc program, comprised of distinguished leaders and experts in academia, industry, and governance. With a wealth of experience and strategic insight, they provide invaluable guidance and oversight, ensuring the program's alignment with the highest standards of excellence and relevance in the field.

Professor Evangelos D. Protopapadakis

Evangelos D. Protopapadakis is Professor of Applied Ethics (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens); Director of the NKUA Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory; Member of the Hellenic National Commission for Bioethics and Technoethics; Head of the Greek Unit of the International Chair in Bioethics (WMA Cooperation Center), Director of the MA Program Animal Welfare, Ethics and the Law, Member of the Pan-Orthodox Committee of Bioethics of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Constantinople, Member of the Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction, and Member of the Bioethics Committee of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute. He has published 4 monographs in Greek and 2 in English as the single author, as well as 12 edited volumes as the editor or the co-editor: 5 in English, 1 in Serbian and 6 in Greek. He has published more than 70 papers in domestic or international scientific journals and volumes. He is a member of several domestic and international philosophical societies; he is also the Editor-in-Chief of Conatus – Journal of Philosophy.

E-mail: ♦ ORCID iD:  0000-0001-7502-3117

Professor Georgios Arabatzis

Georgios Arabatzis is Professor of Byzantine Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from E.H.E.S.S., Paris, France (1995). His publications include Éthique du bonheur et orthodoxie à Byzance (IVe-XIIe s.), avec une préface de André Guillou, Paris, Éd. P. Belon/Diffusion De Boccard, 1998 ― coll. “Textes. Documents. Études” No. 4.; Studies on Supernaturalism, ed. G. Arabatzis, Berlin, Logos Verlag, 2009; and L’actualité de la pensée byzantine, ed. G. Arabatzis, Byzantinische Forschungen, XXXI, 2013 (Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam).

E-mail: ♦ ORCID iD:  0000-0003-4926-9900

Professor Panagiotis Pantazakos

Panagiotis Pantazakos is Proffessor of Ethics in the Philosophy Department of the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He was born in Athens. After completing compulsory education, he studied Philosophy, Theology and Law at the University of Athens. In 1997, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy with first-class honours by the University of Athens. The topic of his doctoral thesis  was  “Natural Theology and Natural Law  in the Philosophy of Sophists in the 5th century BC.” His publications include monographs, articles in international journals, bookreviwes and translations in the fields of Ethics, Bioethics, Business Ethics, Philosophy of Law. Indicative Academic Publications: Natural Theology and Natural Law of Sophists in 5th Century BC (Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 2006), Instinct and Freedom according to Thomas Hobbes (Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 2006), Free will and moral values in Plethonas, Rousseau and Wittgenstein (Athens: Ellinika Grammata, Athens 2006), Ethics and Democracy: From antiquity to modern day (Athens: Kardamitsa, 2012), Plethon, on animals and soul (Athens: Kardamitsa, 2012), Ethics and Meta-ethics (Athens: Kardamitsa, 2015), On Duty: Essays on Systematic Moral Philosophy (Athens: Kardamitsa, 2015), Bioethics and Ethics (Athens: Kardamitsa, 2022), Jean Jacques Rousseau: Moral Letters, translated with an intoduction on the "Misogyny" (Athens: Kardamitsa, 2022).

E-mail: ♦ ORCID iD:

Professor Georgios Steiris

Georgios Steiris is Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He previously taught at the University of Peloponnese, the Hellenic Open University. He has been Visiting Professor at Jyväskylä University (Finland) and Visiting Fellow at Bogazici University (Turkey). He has served as Secretary-General of the Greek Philosophical Society (2015– 2016). He was awarded the Golden Jubilee Medal ‘80 years of Al- Farabi Kazakh National University’. He co-edited the volume Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher (Wipf & Stock, 2017) and the Oxford Handbook for Dionysius the Areopagite (Oxford University Press, 2022).

E-mail: ♦ ORCID iD:  0000-0002-7944-0572

Professor Vana Nicolaidou-Kyrianidou

Vana Nicolaidou-Kyrianidou, Professor of Political Philosophy, is the Chair of the Department of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and the Director of the "Political Philosophy Research Laboratory; from Action to Theory''. She holds a PhD (Doctorat de troisième cycle) in Philosophy from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne. She has also taught at the Ionian University and the University of Thessaly. Her research has been published in Greece and abroad. Her publications include scientific papers, chapters in collective volumes as well as monographs, the latest of which is: Hannah Arendt. The Law of the Earth and the Forgotten Tradition (Athens: Alexandria, 2021).

E-mail: ♦ ORCID iD: